Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Special Fathers Day

We had a very special Fathers Day celebration this year. The heat was definatly on but everyone tried to stay cool. We were very fortunate that we had several fathers join in the celebration. I can't express how blessed we were to have both P-Paws & Pop join us.

Everyone wants to cool down with icecream cones!

All the kids patiently waiting...except for one?

Whatcha lookin' at?


Thanks to my mom for bringing the cupcake icecream cones! There were a big hit!

After everyone finished their cone it was time to cool off in the pool.

A big WOOT WOOT goes out to E's cousin for showing her how to jump in. Without him or his moms coaxing I don't think she would be the little jumper she is now. I can't thank them enough. She absolutley loves it! I think without those two she would still be just standing on the side. Once she started she wouldn't stop!

Uncle Ry Ry and his babe. I can't get over how much she looks like her dad.

Did I mention how much food we had? I wish I would have gotten that picture! Everyone that came over made it a very special day. I can't say it enough....we truly are blessed.