Monday, July 27, 2009



This has been one crazy summer. I recently heard July is going in the record books as the coolest in history. I also heard we have gotten 10 inches of rain since June 1st. Some friends told me it has rained every Wednesday for the last 10 weeks. I believed them, because honestly I can’t remember.

July 4th was a dud of a day. We huddled under a tent with sweatshirts and jeans on, trying to get a glimpse of the fireworks in between douses of rain. It wasn’t a pretty day.
Who wears a jacket to a July 4th celebration? I mean really?

Fathers Day was so hot & humid it was almost unbearable to sit outside. A very sticky day.

Our friends invited us over to a pool party recently. I had planned my bathing suit almost 2 weeks ahead of time. I wanted to be covered and comfortable. Guess what??? It rained all day. No swimsuit was needed. I fretted for nothing. But they were troopers and didn’t cancel. Fortunately it did quit raining in the early evening. Everyone had a nice time. They had set the rain date for the following Saturday. Glad they didn’t go with the rain date. The following Saturday we had a high of 68.

Yesterday was a beautiful day for the Brickyard 400. Today is a beautiful day, but I’m stuck at work. Saturday I had a garage sale…guess what? It rained.

This nice family met me on a Friday evening for some pictures. It was so HOT. Not just hot, but a sticky thick hot. They are having their ceremony Aug 1st. At the time, I could only think to myself, how hot August 1st would be. But I’m thinking I was wrong. So far the weather man is claiming a beautiful day. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Hump Day!!!

I took E out before bed last night.(daylight savings time...we all go to bed when its still light out) She is all poses for me right now...and I'm trying to take advantage. I can't decide if I like the color or b&w ones. I'd love your thoughts.

These aren't the same picture...but close.

Because I have seen this done and never tried it.

I'm just sharing the b&w...I didn't care for the color.

And this? Well, she is just a kid...and gotta have some fun!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Special Fathers Day

We had a very special Fathers Day celebration this year. The heat was definatly on but everyone tried to stay cool. We were very fortunate that we had several fathers join in the celebration. I can't express how blessed we were to have both P-Paws & Pop join us.

Everyone wants to cool down with icecream cones!

All the kids patiently waiting...except for one?

Whatcha lookin' at?


Thanks to my mom for bringing the cupcake icecream cones! There were a big hit!

After everyone finished their cone it was time to cool off in the pool.

A big WOOT WOOT goes out to E's cousin for showing her how to jump in. Without him or his moms coaxing I don't think she would be the little jumper she is now. I can't thank them enough. She absolutley loves it! I think without those two she would still be just standing on the side. Once she started she wouldn't stop!

Uncle Ry Ry and his babe. I can't get over how much she looks like her dad.

Did I mention how much food we had? I wish I would have gotten that picture! Everyone that came over made it a very special day. I can't say it enough....we truly are blessed.