Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is it just me???

Or do I seem a little cranky? I feel like I've been run over by a mack truck. I'm hoping a nice long weekend of fun with friends and family is the cure I need. ( I hope it just doesn't have the opposite effect! ha ha ha!! )

Elaina got a new sandbox and it has really been keeping her busy. I am sooo thankful! It has given her something new and fun to play with outside. Her dad filled it with colored sand and I think our deck has more sand than the sandbox! But again, thats okay. Saturday was beautiful and we just spend several hours hanging out outside. We also got our garden planted. Its the first time that I did it myself. It will be interesting to see what we can harvest. But I will say that Elaina had a grand time. Super excited. And she loves 'matos. Sure hope we get some.