Here are a couple of Lucy and Desi. They are definatly members of our family. I'll never forget when I told a friend that I was pregnant with Elaina she asked what I would do with my dogs. Well, the answer is nothing. Keep them. I'm a believer that when you get a pet you have a pet for life. I know there are a few execptions...I'm sure if they were to bite Elaina or pose a threat to her we would have to get rid of them. But not these two. They are both very tolerant of her. Desi (the dark one) more so than Lucy. Poor Desi, the kids just woller all over her and it doesn't seem to phase her. Lucy will get a little p'eed off and leave the room. But all in all they are good with kids. Both are Elainas best friend when she is eating. I can't tell you how many times Lucy has stolen some 'treat' from her.
I also added another picture with Elaina and her pretty dress from yesterday. The other is my 'model.' I was working on improving my focus and exposure. How did I do? The dogs were my other models. I think Lucy is a little 'underexposed.'
One of the things I wanted to do on vacation was take more pictures! I haven't done squat. Tomorrow I am designated as 'picture day.'