Sunday, December 23, 2007

A First....

Elaina had her 1st pro haircut. I know...I know...3 years old and hasn't had a cut yet? Poor girl, just hasn't needed one until now. And now its just to get things straightened out a bit. But we think it looks adorable!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Heres another tiny one!

Heres a little cutie! This LITTLE guy was born a month early and I am happy to say doing great. Hes already gained over a pound in 3 weeks. I think he is catching up!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007

My Girl


I've had one of those weeks. Just been bad. You know the kind that you can't put your finger on just one thing. It just wasn't a good week. So I always have great intentions for the weekend. One of those intentions was to get some new pictures of my baby girl. So, she wakes up early this morning, I didn't sleep well last night, and we didn't get anything accomplished. Finally by late afternoon I figured we had to get out of the house. She was driving me nuts. And I was quite possibly driving her nuts. I was hoping to maybe put on a cute outfit and get a couple of pictures. She wasn't having changing her clothes and I wasn't in the mood to fight it. So we got in the car and drove to Nana's to watch them paint. (how bad it is when we found that entertaining?) While we we there I grabbed a few of her out on the deck. I was hoping to get a few of her cousin but he slept thru all the festivities.

Pretty eyes

I have been falling behind on my blogging. I thought I would share this one of my friend Miss S. I don't know what it is but I just love this picture of her.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tiny Tiny Baby

This little guy is a cutie! Not to mention he was a perfect angel.
Click on them to make them bigger

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Meet C.J.

Is he flippin' addorable or what? His mother let me come over and snap a couple shots for a photo class I'm doing. I need models! My little one either cheeses out for the camera or hides. Either way...its not pleasant.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

White River Gardens

I've been a bad blogger...I have lots of things to share but I haven't been doing it! We had a wonderful weekend that included taking Elaina to the zoo. My friend Michelle was kind enough to go with Elaina and I. Her son is bigger than Elaina but is 11 months younger. And is he a ham! We had a good time. Elaina had one melt down for no apparent reason. When this normally happens I just let her have it out. Normally there isn't too much I can do. This time was a little different. She started pulling her pants down. What is that about? Anyone ever experience that? And of course everyone was staring because she was screaming. Very very embarassing. Needless to say I survived it and she got over it within a few minutes. Has anyone else ever had that happen?

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Quirky Kid

Is it possible at 2 to be so quirky? It cracks me up.
She has been scared to death of the lawn tractor for the last year or so.
Well, all of a sudden she loves it. If dad is mowing she must be on it with him.
This also goes for the 4-wheeler. She loves it to now and asks for rides all the time. This picture is of her and dad today.
Before it was time to mow it was time to put the babies down for naps. Each baby has thier own pillow. She lines all the pillows up and they all have to lay face down on them. Funny stuff.
They just got down mowing (before the rain) and she is now re-arranging them and rocking them. Cracks me up! She got into a kitchen drawer with dish towels and is covering them up.
The last picture is of her room. We re-did it months ago. I just haven't shared any pictures. It really turned out cute.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Family Members?

Here are a couple of Lucy and Desi. They are definatly members of our family. I'll never forget when I told a friend that I was pregnant with Elaina she asked what I would do with my dogs. Well, the answer is nothing. Keep them. I'm a believer that when you get a pet you have a pet for life. I know there are a few execptions...I'm sure if they were to bite Elaina or pose a threat to her we would have to get rid of them. But not these two. They are both very tolerant of her. Desi (the dark one) more so than Lucy. Poor Desi, the kids just woller all over her and it doesn't seem to phase her. Lucy will get a little p'eed off and leave the room. But all in all they are good with kids. Both are Elainas best friend when she is eating. I can't tell you how many times Lucy has stolen some 'treat' from her.
I also added another picture with Elaina and her pretty dress from yesterday. The other is my 'model.' I was working on improving my focus and exposure. How did I do? The dogs were my other models. I think Lucy is a little 'underexposed.'
One of the things I wanted to do on vacation was take more pictures! I haven't done squat. Tomorrow I am designated as 'picture day.'

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My Cutie!

I just love this little dress. M'maw got it for her and she thinks she is beautiful in it. (and I think she is too!) This was taken this morning before school. Hopefully we can get a few more this evening.

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Hunt

Photobucket Album

Here is my submission for the scavenger hunt contest. What a blast! I'm sure everyone that knows me is glad its over. I've been driving everyone crazy. For those that don't know the very talented Vicki Byerley is offering photo classes. This contest is for a free spot in her class. And I am stoked!
This has been alot of fun. Next time I think I should try to capture some of the crazy looks I have gotten while 'posing' for some of these.
I am happy to report that I didn't cause any wrecks nor had the police called on me while participating in this chase. Although I did loose a few hours sleep. Oh well, you can't have it all. Enjoy!
click on the picture to see all pictures

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Guess what I've been doing...

Now don't let this picture fool you, I'm not really a sewer. My mom saw this little beaut on HSN and insisted that I may need to 'mend' a few items. I haven't sewn anything since 8th grade home ec. But I did have a little idea and tried it out over the weekend. Needless to say 'my idea' turned out okay. I'm not ready to reveal the finished product. I need to take another trip to Joann fabrics. Add this to my list of things I want to accomplish while I'm on vacation.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Thursday, August 2, 2007


I finally got most of the wedding pictures done and burnt to disk. They will be going out tonight.
I figured out a very time saving trick in photoshop. I've got some new actions to play with and I'm excited.
I should be getting ready for work but I DON'T WANT TO GO!!! I WANNA PLAY!!!
Here's a pix of Miss Elaina taken a month or so ago. Just Playing.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Balloons and Cuties!!

Miss K is too cute! And walking!! I just love her eyes. And of course the bottom teeth.

Had to sneak one in of Elaina. She didn't want her picture taken at all!

Is he cute or what? AKA...Big Perm!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

One of those weeks

I had so many good intentions last week and nothing worked out as planned. I had completely zero energy. I was convinced that is because I have been doing nothing but eating's w/ extra cheese and laying on my couch. So I figured exercise was my only answer. I started small and started walking again. But to my surprise on Friday I came down with a nasty something or other. So needless to say I haven't done anything this weekend but lay around and watch tv. Hopefully I am on the upswing of things and am going to get those wedding pictures done this week!!! Stay tuned...
I did get the newest edition of photoshop installed. Now I just need someone to teach me how to use it. Here are a few pictures playing around with some different stuff.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

More to Share

I wanted to share some more pictures from the NC wedding. Don't be surprised if there is a part 3...I have more that I want to share! Stay tuned!!