I am getting ready to get my camera back into action. After a several month break, I'm getting the itch to get it out. Look for a big post coming soon with plenty of pictures.
In the meantime...I was getting ready for bed the other night. I had to go upstairs and turn some lights off. I happen to look down and here was my view. Is this even right? I'm thinking she really isn't supposed to be on the couch. I hope her dad doesn't catch her!

The other night when I was dusting off my camera, Elaina says 'Mom, remember when I was 3 years old and you used to take my picture?' It was then that I realized, I just haven't taken any pictures recently. So, I we ran outside before it got dark and she gave me the sillest faces she could munster. Oh...the joys of being 4!

Lets talk about the weather. Rain & thunderstorms AGAIN tonight. I'm tired of hearing our sump pump running constantly! Just when it slows down it rains again. And it was so freakin' hot today! I'm crossing my fingers for nice weather this weekend.
Happy Fathers Day! I hope everyone has a great weekend!