Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Settling in...

We are almost completley settled in the new house. Its hard to believe we have already been here for almost a month. We have run into a few snags here and there but for the most part things are coming together. Elaina is having a great time. She loves it here. She can ride her bike and we go for walks around the block. There are kids close to her age and she has been busy playing with them all. Its been great watching her. This weekend was so warm that it felt like summer. You know she isn't a baby anymore when she is wearing flip flops! We got the biggest kick from watching her maneuver in them! I think she has it mastered. Matt laughed that she would be wearing them all summer. I think he is right. Sunday evening came and we had to make her come in. She was covered in dirt, grime and sweat. But she didn't care. She threw a fit cause she wasn't done playing. But after dinner and a bath she fell asleep on the couch before eight o'clock. She was one tired girl!

Whats a post without a picture....I just had to share a photo of our lawn. This yard needs some serious help. And I mean it when I say we have the worst yard in the neighborhood. Its almost embarrassing!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'm HERE.....

I'm back!!! We have had a very hectic last month. We bought a new house, we re-did it, and we moved! I'm happy to announce we are getting settled and I FINALLY got internet yesterday and things are calming down! I promise to share pictures of the new house...before and after soon. I am so happy that I have my own room dedicated to my photography. It is super nice to have somewhere to go and just get away. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. ( Happy Birthday Mom!!)
I also want to share a couple pictures of Miss S. She will be graduating this year and was a pleasure to photograph.