Sunday, November 18, 2007

Heres another tiny one!

Heres a little cutie! This LITTLE guy was born a month early and I am happy to say doing great. Hes already gained over a pound in 3 weeks. I think he is catching up!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007

My Girl


I've had one of those weeks. Just been bad. You know the kind that you can't put your finger on just one thing. It just wasn't a good week. So I always have great intentions for the weekend. One of those intentions was to get some new pictures of my baby girl. So, she wakes up early this morning, I didn't sleep well last night, and we didn't get anything accomplished. Finally by late afternoon I figured we had to get out of the house. She was driving me nuts. And I was quite possibly driving her nuts. I was hoping to maybe put on a cute outfit and get a couple of pictures. She wasn't having changing her clothes and I wasn't in the mood to fight it. So we got in the car and drove to Nana's to watch them paint. (how bad it is when we found that entertaining?) While we we there I grabbed a few of her out on the deck. I was hoping to get a few of her cousin but he slept thru all the festivities.

Pretty eyes

I have been falling behind on my blogging. I thought I would share this one of my friend Miss S. I don't know what it is but I just love this picture of her.