Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

What Happend?

Last weekend we were out running errands and stopped to grab some lunch. We brought it home and with Elainas 'meal' they included a little toy. It was a little guitar and when you pushed the button a little red light came on. After lunch I was cleaning up the mess along with the mail and newspapers strung around. She came up to me and said 'here mommy...' and acted like she was putting something in my hand. Then she went over to the chair and sat down. She took that little guitar and put it up to her eye and said ' Mommy...look..Mommmmmy....' It was at that point that I realized what she was doing. She was bribing me with 'candy' and taking my picture. The same thing I had done to her in the past. Funny thing is I hadn't done it recently.

In the last week or two I can't get over how smart she is. Or how much she has grown up. What happend to the little baby? There was a time I thought she would never get big. I remember being so tired and thinking she is only 2 weeks old! Am I ever going to get thru this? It seemed endless. Then one day I blinked. Now she is a little person, no longer a baby. She fights me to brush her teeth. She tells me when she is thirsty...and lists everything she likes to drink. She sings 'Old McDonald' when we drive by McDonalds. Occaisonally she wakes up in the middle of the night. She requires being picked up and cuddled for about 20 seconds and then she curls back up and off to sleep she goes. She comes in my bedroom on Saturday mornings and stands by my bed and says 'Hi Mommy' We pull up to one of our regular restraunts and she starts chanting 'Pancakes Pancakes Pancakes' from the back seat. She loves to go to school and see her friends Braden and Tyler.....and I do inform her they brush thier teeth before school!

We stopped by the baseball diamonds to watch a friends son play last night. My friend asked her where her Daddy was, 'Daddys working.' She doesn't need any coaxing. She knows. When we left this morning, after the teeth brushing fight, she tells the dogs 'Be good girls!!!' I have been told a hundred times that they grow up so fast. They will be all grown up before you know it. Now, I am seeing it first hand!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


She is so beautiful inside and out. I'm having a hard time deciding which pictures are my favorite. I have many more to go thru. The 1st one isn't technically great but I kind of like it. Do you think the shadow is too distracting?

Monday, May 7, 2007

Pretty as a Flower

This little one is too cute!!!
I'm just sad that it has taken me a month to get them done.

I'm still thinking the b&w one needs some work. I'm not digging it.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Special Graduate

I know I speak for our entire family when I say that we are very proud of her!!!

I have more pictures that I will post in the next few days.