Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Monday, February 19, 2007

Special Memories

Tonight I am going thru my pictures and doing a little editing and trying to make good ones even better. I come upon pictures that I took while in Arizonia visiting my Grandparents. These pictures aren't the fact some of them aren't very good technically, but they have to be some of my favorites because of the fond memories. What a wonderful time we had. I am sad that they aren't closer and I can't visit more often. But I can make a promise that I wont wait so long to visit. Elaina absolutley adored them. She warmed right up and kept us all on our toes.
Wait until Grandma sees herself on the internet!!! Hee hee hee...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Playing Around

Here are a couple taken today while Elaina and I were playing around.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!!!

What a crazy week so far! We have been snowed in for last 2 days. I think everyone is ready for life to get back to normal. Fortunately I have one of those jobs that I can actually work from home sometimes. Does anyone know how hard it is to work with a 2 year old? I got to go into the office and get some stuff done this afternoon. I'm a little disappointed that I don't have any new pictures to share. Here's one taken about a month or so ago. I was dying to try out my new lights and she just woke up from a nap. She wasn't real enthused.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Snow, Snow, Snow....

I thought this picture of Miss Elaina trying to sneak in the drivers seat was appropriate for today. It only took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to get home tonight!!! Urgh... I guess I shouldn't complain too much, it is really our first big snow of the year.
I started a new photography class last night. Its more of a 'starting your business' kind of class. Not that I'm looking to start my own business but I figured it would be inspirational to hear others stories and maybe learn about some different things. Plus it gets me out of the house.
Until next time, STAY WARM!!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Pizza Face

Who you calling Pizza Face?
Elaina is trying out some snacks early before the big game. GO COLTS!!!!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Splish Splash...

I've been losing my battle with fighting this cold. It has finally got the best of me. At least now maybe I can start getting better. I've wanted to try a few things this week and here is what I've got. Could use a little tweaking. Thankfully Elaina loves the bath so we can try again soon!